How Perpetual Website Traffic can Fund Home Schooling

Perpetual Website Traffic can be an integral part in funding home schooling endeavors. The results of the 2020 lock down is in, and many public school jurisdictions failed miserably. They were ill prepared for the delivery of the power of the internet age to their students. Certainly many school systems give online access to students through the use of school computers but most often students are required to provide their own devices apart from an “I” or “Smart Phone”.

Most teachers themselves obtain course content ideas and research online. So it it was quite disturbing to hear quite regularly on talk radio during the daily drive that the system failed. The teachers were blaming the administrators and administrators blaming poor delivery on the teachers. Plus on top of that you had the parents at home watching the mess, LIVE, in real time! Fortunately my kids had long since completed the 12 years of “education”. They were tech savvy in their day and would have had a good laugh at the mess (MySpace days).

Home Schooling Costs

The reality of home schooling also comes with costs and this is where perpetual website traffic can be of assistance. You are going to need all the usual materials plus specialized assistance in some areas, such as science. And remember the extra curricular activities also. So depending on your neighborhood, friends, family and jurisdiction, the costs and complications may require some patience to mitigate. Plus of course you are likely required to “register” your choice with the local establishment and go through any necessary legal processes.

The opportunities for the growth of your child certainly outweighs any complications. Your day to day life is full of examples for teaching that most parents overlook because we expect that the state is doing it’s job. Simple things like making a grocery list, checking the flyers for sales and coupons, comparing quantity vs quality, keeping a budget and doing the arithmetic for the comparisons, etc. But most importantly you will be able to see first hand how your child learns and what they really enjoy.

Home Schooling

A decade or so ago I was watching one of those “family swap” reality shows where the husbands and wives changed households for a week (fortunately I gave up most TV). In this one particular episode one of the families were home schooling their child. The father ran a one man import office and was able to pay for every thing. This child would spend the day with their mom doing all the daily chores and getting the reasoning behind everything.

They also had a math and language teacher, religious teachings, cultural events, and music class since mom could sing. Even dad was in on the teachings at the office while the child experienced what dad dealt with on the phone and the deal making.

Near my jurisdiction they have a take your child to work day where a lucky few get to see the inner workings of their parents workplace. One day. That’s it, that’s all.

Home Schooling Legalities

One of the most important ideas people need to understand is that in a “free society” the people are always protected. For clarity, compare what you think you know, what is taught and “demonstrated”, to the actual Constitution For The United Sates Of America 1791 with it’s Seven Articles and Ten Bill Of Rights. It generally comes down to Your Choice on how you want to live.

Also consider the following:

Then also look for similar ideas at your state/provincial and local municipal codes and regulations.

Funding Your Choices

The opportunity is here, and has been here for 30 years. The online market place can make home schooling a reality for those who really want it. In the 30 years since the dawn of the Netscape browser, every single pixel of space has been monetized. Since the common denominator for selling a product or service online is the quality of your prospect then setting up a is the place to start.

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